LDAR Labels and Tags with Color

Stainless Steel LDAR Tags


Fugitive Emission Monitoring Tags

Highest quality and ultra-durable stainless steel LDAR Tags for fugitive emissions monitoring. Achieve accurate and efficient data collection at every inspection point with these durable tags. Stainless steel LDAR tags are designed to attach to your system components conveniently and permanently with durable steel wire crimp ties. Your order can be customized according to your specifications. With exceptional durability, these tags have an outstanding resistance to heat, cold, and chemicals, and will last the lifetime of the equipment.

Tags are digitally imaged for extreme precision and feature high level graphics that can be customized to fit your needs. Any barcode symbology may be utilized and we can either generate variable data from any sequence for you, or you may supply our designers with complex or random data.


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Worldwide Identification Industry Leader for over 25 years | LDAR Labels and Tags